How To Send My IELTS Score To Universities In The Countries Where I Would Like To Study?


Congratulations on taking the first step towards your dream of studying abroad! The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a globally recognized English language proficiency test that plays a crucial role in your application process. To make sure your IELTS score reaches the universities where you want to study, you'll need to follow specific steps. In this blog, we'll walk you through the process of sending your IELTS score to universities in countries like the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and more.

Step 1: Register for the IELTS Test

Before you can send your IELTS scores to universities, you must register and take the IELTS test. You can register online through the official IELTS website or visit a local test center to register in person. Make sure to choose the Academic IELTS test if you plan to apply to universities, as it is designed for academic purposes.

Step 2: Choose up to Five Universities

During the registration process, you will be asked to select up to five universities or institutions where you want to send your IELTS scores. It's essential to have a clear list of your target universities before registering to ensure that your scores are sent to the correct destinations

Step 3: Pay for Additional Score Reports (if necessary)

Some universities may require additional score reports beyond the initial five choices. You can request these reports for an extra fee. Keep this in mind if you plan to apply to more than five institutions.

Step 4: Take the IELTS Test

On the scheduled test day, arrive at the test center with the required identification documents and take the IELTS test. Make sure to give your best effort because the score you achieve will be reported to the universities you selected during registration.

Step 5: Receive Your Test Results

IELTS test results are usually available online 13 days after the test date. You will receive a Test Report Form (TRF), which contains your scores for each section of the test (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking), as well as your Overall Band Score. Check your results carefully to ensure accuracy.

Step 6: Verify University Requirements

Before sending your scores, it's crucial to check the specific requirements of each university you're applying to. Some universities may have a minimum score requirement for admission or specific score requirements for individual programs.

Step 7: Order Additional Score Reports (if necessary)

If you need to send your scores to more than the initial five universities, log in to your IELTS account and order additional score reports. You will need to provide the names and addresses of the additional institutions, and there may be an extra fee for each report.

Step 8: Send Your IELTS Scores

Once you have confirmed the score requirements for your chosen universities and ordered any additional score reports, your scores will be sent directly to the universities' admissions offices. The IELTS organization will mail these reports to the institutions on your behalf. You can also check the status of your score reports in your IELTS account.


Sending your IELTS scores to universities in the countries where you wish to study is a crucial step in the application process. By following these steps, you can ensure that your test scores reach the right institutions promptly and accurately. Remember to plan ahead, check the score requirements of your target universities, and take the test seriously to achieve the scores you need for your academic journey abroad. Good luck with your applications!