How to introduce myself in IELTS Speaking Test 2024?

Introduction in the IELTS Speaking Test is a crucial element that sets the tone for the entire conversation. In 2024, the IELTS Speaking Test continues to assess your ability to communicate effectively in English, evaluating your fluency, coherence, pronunciation, and lexical resource. A strong introduction can create a positive impression and help you start the conversation confidently. Let's explore how to introduce yourself in the IELTS Speaking Test for the year 2024, considering the three parts of the test.

Part 1: Introduction and Interview (4-5 minutes)

The Part 1 of the IELTS Speaking Test typically begins with the examiner introducing themselves and checking your identity. After that, they will proceed to the interview section, where they will ask questions related to familiar topics like work, studies, hobbies,hometown,family etc.

  1. Greeting and Identification:

    • Begin by greeting the examiner with a warm "Good [morning/afternoon/evening], examiner."

    • Politely provide your identification, confirming your name and verifying any other details the examiner might request.

  2. Expressing Enthusiasm:

    • Express genuine enthusiasm for the opportunity to participate in the speaking test. For example, you can say, "I'm really excited to be here and to demonstrate my English proficiency."

  3. Brief Personal Information:

    • Share a concise overview of your background, including your studies, work, and any other relevant information. Keep it brief, focusing on key points to set the stage for further questions.

  4. Anticipate Further Questions:

    • Conclude your introduction by acknowledging that you are ready for the questions that will follow. This can be done by saying, "I'm prepared to discuss a variety of topics, so please feel free to ask me anything."

Part 2: Long Turn (3-4 minutes)

In Part 2, you will be given a task card with a topic and some prompts. You will have one minute to prepare and make notes before speaking for 1-2 minutes on the given topic.

  1. Acknowledgment of Task:

    • Start by acknowledging the task. For instance, "Thank you for the task card. I understand that I have one minute to prepare my thoughts before speaking on the given topic."

  2. Reading and Making Notes:

    • Don't shy to ask for a pen and paper.Use the one minute wisely by carefully reading the task card and writing down key points or ideas. This will allow you to better organize your thoughts and speak coherently.

  3. Structuring Your Response:

    • Write down the main points and arrange them in a clockwise direction using the sun rays. The circle will be your main point, with the sun's rays serving as talking points. This technique will help you create your topic quickly because we never know what type of question the evaluator will ask.

  4. Clear Transition to Speaking:

    • When your preparation time is up, transition smoothly into speaking by stating, "Now, I'd like to share my thoughts on this topic." Do not rush through your words. Continue at a steady pace and finish with a proper closing.

Part 3: Discussion (4-5 minutes)

The final part of the IELTS Speaking Test involves a more in-depth discussion on the topic from Part 2.

  1. Expressing Personal Opinions:

    • Throughout Part 3, express your opinions clearly and support them with relevant examples or reasons. This demonstrates your ability to articulate ideas and engage in a meaningful discussion.

  2. Active Participation:

    • Avoid short, one-word answers and aim to provide detailed, well-developed responses.

  3. Conclusion:

    • As you approach the end of Part 3, you can conclude the discussion by summarizing your main points and expressing a final perspective on the topic. For example, "In conclusion, I believe that [summarize main points] and this highlights the significance of [topic]."

In conclusion, throughout the test, maintain clarity, coherence, and confidence in your responses while actively participating in the discussion. Remember to showcase a range of vocabulary and accurate pronunciation to leave a positive impression on the examiner.