Amplifying with Idiom in IELTS?

 Idiom is the short phrase which can make conversations look attractive and give the inner meaning to the spoken context. By learning them you will build your vocabularies and also helps to improve your lexical resources. The correct use of idioms will help you to get more score in speaking if used properly or it can reduce the score as well if misused it in IELTS speaking test.
It also differentiates between native speaker and speakers of other languages. Native speakers do not generally use idioms knowingly while speaking in a flow they get them randomly whereas, the speaker of other languages as they are foreigners they learn these and use it while speaking. So, for non native speakers they need to be careful as it can be a collocation issue if it is not understood where to use idioms. Example, we say junk food not food junk.  
Let’s have an overview of few sample idioms with its meaning before continuing:
Over the moon= In Joyful Situations
Like kid in the candy store=  Excited as kid in something
Bookworm= Studios in reading
Out of the blue= Something unexpected happened
Better late than never= Doing the things lately than leaving
We have just scratched the surface that means looked briefly about few idioms to get the understanding now let us try to implement them in our day to day life.
 Instructions to learn them is to talk to the native speakers, listen and understand where they are using these idioms and if not understood with any of the meaning of it ask them immediately to explain or another way to practice them is watch or listen to the English movies or Podcast shows where the native speakers speak continuously. By doing this, you will not only gain the knowledge on idioms usage but also you will get to know their accent and flow.
Note: Do not overuse the same idiom, also do not use many idioms at a time as well, see that it will match with the topic appropriately and not to sound forcible while saying these idioms as it should just flow with the speech.